O papel das grades de discos na redução da compactação do solo

As a farmer or a gardener, you know how important it is to maintain the quality of your soil. Soil compaction can be a challenging issue, and it can affect the growth of your crops, leading to reduced yields. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce soil compaction, and one of the most effective methods […]

Uso de grades de discos para manejo de resíduos em preparo conservacionista

Farming is one of the most crucial activities for human survival. It is a source of food, employment, and income. However, conventional farming practices often lead to soil degradation and environmental pollution. Conservation tillage has emerged as a sustainable farming practice that promotes soil health, reduces erosion, and increases crop yield. Disc harrows are an […]

O impacto das grades de discos no rendimento e na qualidade da colheita

As a manufacturer of agricultural machinery, I have seen firsthand the difference that using high-quality disc harrows can make on crop yield and quality. In this blog post, I will explore the impact of disc harrows on crop yield and quality, and why it is important for farmers to invest in quality machinery. What are Disc Harrows? […]

Como manter e afiar adequadamente as lâminas da grade de discos

As a farmer or someone involved in agriculture, you know the importance of having well-maintained and sharp disc harrow blades. Disc harrows are used for soil preparation and are essential for planting crops. However, if the blades are not maintained properly, they can become dull, which can lead to decreased efficiency and increased fuel consumption. […]

Diferenças entre grades de discos de preparo offset, tandem e verticais

Disc harrows are an essential tool for farmers and agricultural businesses. They are used to break up soil, chop up crop residue, and prepare the land for planting. There are three main types of disc harrows: offset, tandem, and vertical tillage. Each type has its unique features and advantages. In this blog post, we will […]

A importância de escolher a grade de discos certa para diferentes tipos de solo

Are you struggling to choose the right disc harrow for your farm’s soil type? Do you want to ensure that you are optimizing your land preparation efforts? Look no further than Heroharrow, the Chinese factory that specializes in producing agricultural machinery such as disc harrows, disc plows, disc blades, and combined land preparation equipment. As an expert in […]

Do que é feita uma grade de discos?

What is a Disc Harrow Made Of? As farmers and agricultural workers, we often rely on disc harrows to prepare the soil for planting. But have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly a disc harrow is made of? Let’s take a closer look. Disc harrows are composed of several main parts, including the frame, […]

Como é feita uma grade de discos?

grade de disco está sendo feita na fábrica

Como é feita uma grade de discos? A grade de discos é uma importante ferramenta agrícola usada para cultivar o solo e preparar canteiros. Consiste em uma série de discos metálicos que são fixados a uma estrutura e arrastados por um trator. Cada disco tem uma borda afiada que é usada para cortar o […]