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Dom » Tanjurača


Poljoprivreda zahtijeva niz specifične opreme i alata – ne samo vitalna tanjurača! Tanjurače se koriste za usitnjavanje grudastog tla, čime se osigurava idealna površina za sjetvu. Ako razmišljate o kupnji ili jednostavno želite znati više, onda je ovaj članak tu da vam pomogne. Promotrit ćemo što ide u odabir pravog modela za vas – pomoći ćemo osigurati da vaše poljoprivredne operacije ostvare svoj najveći potencijal!

Maks. radna širinam4.
Maks. radna dubinacm1818181818
Promjer diskakom710710710710710
Disk br.cm3640485664
Ukupna težinakg38204020450059806980
Usklađena snagaHp180-200 (prikaz, ostalo).200-220 (prikaz, ostalo).240-260 (prikaz, ostalo).260-300 (prikaz, ostalo).280-320 (prikaz, ostalo).
Uzorak zakačenjaTragTragTragTragTrag


Vrhunski vodič za odabir prave tanjirače za vašu zemlju

koje su vrste tanjurača?

Postoji nekoliko različitih vrsta tanjurača dostupnih na tržištu, svaka sa svojim skupom značajki i prednosti. Vrsta koju ćete na kraju odabrati ovisit će o vašim specifičnim potrebama. Neke od najpopularnijih opcija uključuju:

1,Offset disk drljače:

2, montirane tanjirače:

3, Vučne tanjirače:

Kako odabrati pravu tanjiraču za svoje potrebe?

So you’re ready to take the plunge and choose a disc harrow? You have lots of choices, so it’s important to consider several factors before deciding. Make sure your tractor or other equipment can handle the size of harrow that will be most efficient for your farm; then check in with Mother Nature—the type of soil on your property might require special features. Finally, don’t forget about those pesky finances! All these pieces together should help steer you towards picking just right option.

The ultimate guide to choosing the right disc harrow for your needs

Now that you know more about disc harrows and how to choose the right one for your needs, it is time to start shopping! Be sure to keep the factors we discussed in mind as you compare different options. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find the perfect disc harrow for your farm in no time.

U sažetku

Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or large landowner, selecting the perfect disc harrow can be overwhelming. Before making your purchase, it’s important to consider what size tractor and farm equipment are available in order to pick an appropriate sized disc harrow for those resources. Also take into account the acreage of your property as well as soil type so that you choose a model equipped with features best suited for cultivating specific terrain types. By researching all these components beforehand plus staying within budget parameters, finding just the right disk harrow doesn’t have to feel like mission impossible!

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